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What's In A Name

Priority access, First class, front of the line, AIrpass! All these words are familiar to anyone who has done much traveling and they are much coveted because they make the journey so much more enjoyable. I’ve just begun to travel more in my life and I’m learning the ropes and ins and outs of the industry, but there’s one thing I do know for sure, until you get a lot of miles under your belt and nights in a particular hotel then the perks aren’t that great.

What does this have to do with the title of the article? Well… everything! I’ve flown first class, received perks at hotels and even been ushered past lines of people at security checkpoints all because of a name! I am a Jr. to a Sr., so my father and I are identified by the same handle. That’s southern talk for having the same name. And why has this happened? Because they don’t know the difference between him and me! They just see the name and assume I am he!

Now he gave me that name when I was born and ever since then his profession has involved traveling all over the world. He has connections in more places around the globe than I can name and is admired because of his servant’s heart for whomever he is around. In that time, he has earned top level status on airlines, hotels and car rental companies. It has taken him a long time and a lot of work to get there, but he’s there none the less.

My point is that there is a lot in a name, especially when it’s a good one! Proverbs says “a good reputation is to be desired more than silver and gold!” That’s a huge statement because no amount of money can purchase a good reputation. Reputation is a tricky thing! It takes a long time to build a good one and only moments to destroy it! It’s because of a good reputation that I enjoy some of the benefits in my life! Such as upgrades when I really don’t deserve them.

You probably see where I’m going here, but we’ve been given the biggest upgrade available simply by saying yes to the invitation of Jesus’ love! However, I see so many Christians lead sub-par lives because they haven’t truly found out what is in the Name that they have been re-born into! They just eek out a meager existence with an assurance that in the “Great by and by” they wont go to hell. Now that is a great perk, but it’s not the great plan!

Jeremiah 29:11 says “for I know the thoughts I have for you! Plans to prosper you and see you succeed” (paraphrased). So why did I for so long live under the cloud of un-worthiness? Because I didn’t tap into all the name had to offer! It was right in front of me the whole time, my parents had taught me about it, but until I began to scour the subject for myself I didn’t realize how great I was!

Now some people may take issue with that last sentence, but be assured that I know my greatness is not found in myself, but in Christ! However when I am submitted to Him, I am great and I have a great name to live through! And you know what? He paid too high of a price for me to not take full advantage of His entire name! Since everything in heaven and earth is under His name then everything in Heaven and earth is at my disposal! I just have to realize it, believe it and act like it’s so! I think it’s so hard to do though because we’ve been told to “Be moderate” or “don’t get your hopes up” and had dreams beaten out of us by religion!

Well my friends, that day is over for everyone who calls Jesus their Savior and Lord! The time has come for Christians to stand tall under the banner of King Jesus and take their rightful place as heirs of salvation and those who are seated with Him at the right hand of Majesty. It’s time for us to get a clue of who we truly are and act like it in the world around us and when we do, we’ll attract more people to us! There’s nothing more irritating than a mealy-mouthed wimp that calls themselves a believer and child of the King of EVERYTHING!

I don’t know about you, but I’m going to take advantage of all my dad’s name has to offer, because when I do, then and only then can I live the life He expects me to live! Let’s rise above the status quo and take our new name for all it’s worth, stop acting like step-children and become all our Father has for us to be.

Hope this helps!


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